Monday, October 2, 2017

Last week of the transfer!

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Subject: Last week of the transfer!
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 07:33:55 -0500
From: Brett Hogg 

Sup fam!

So we had a pretty good, extremely fast week. A couple cool lessons. First, we set a baptismal date with our investigator Arturo. He has (or had?, a little loss in translation) a brain tumor that he got a bunch of radiation for, and it all kind of ruined his eye sight. He cant drive but he reads the Book of Mormon zoomed really far in on his phone. One of our other investigators is the girlfriend of an inactive member of the spanish branch. Shes very pregnant. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and read the Proclamation to the World together, its pretty neat to see a brand new family and help bring them the Gospel.

I forgot to mention last week! I left my tablet on the roof of the car, at the stake center, then drove away. I didn't realize it was missing until we were about to go to bed and I was going to charge it. The Sisters live close to the stake center so I called them first thing the next day to see if they could run over there and look for it. They found it! But the screen was completely shattered, like flakes of glass. They figure someone ran over it because of where it was. BUT! When I got it I peeled off the glass screen protector, and viola! Not a scratch on the screen. The body of the tablet itself and the case are pretty well scratched up around the edges. And it works fine still! Positive reviews to the maker of that screen protector. (P.s. could you send me another screen protector 🙂).

Note from Mom: WOW - that was worth it!! The maker of the screen protector is OMOTON.  Here's the link on Amazon.

Also,  I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but a week or 2 ago a couple of companionships here close,  met up at the park to hand out free water/contact people. We wound up playing soccer with a Mexican family there, and got our behinds handed to us. And we were kind of sweaty for the rest of the day lol. I just now got the pictures so here they are for you! 

We also got a new member of the district! She's a missionary from Puerto Rico. After Hurricane Irma came through and destroyed the whole island, they evacuated all the missionaries. She was saying that they were told to buy 72 kits, and a change of clothes, to last them 3 days in the mission home while they waited out the storm. Well the hurricane was so bad, they were there for 5 days, and the First Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 decided to evacuate everyone. So Elder Oaks got to prayin', the church got on the phone with Delta, and everyone was reassigned to other missions, and ours got a few! The mission President I guess got off the phone with the head honchos, and got up in front of everybody and read off the list of where everyone was going! They came here with literally only the change of clothes they had. They weren't able to go back to their areas and scavenge for their things or anything, they flew right out from the mission home. Elder Pattee got a refugee too, so I'm excited to meet them all. The one we got here in our district is pretty cool.

Then there's conference! We were the first ones at the church building, so we had to figure out how to set everything up. Way more spanish people come to conference so we set it up in the chapel and made all the gringos watch it in the Relief Society room. 

Conference was really good. I really liked Saturday morning. We watched priesthood session in spanish because we had a few people that we're reactivating that came. To be honest, didn't get as much out of it in spanish. Its way easier to zone out when you're trying to keep up with fast talking old spanish man voice. From what I understood, it was really good too. I'm going to go back and rewatch it for sure in english. 

Note from Mom: 2 weekends a year, we hear televised messages from the leaders of the Church. To see all of them, you can click here for a list of all the talks and watch!  It's call "General Conference" and there are 6 sessions: 4 general sessions and one for women and one for men.  All are available on to see!

Also this week, we were driving, minding our own business when all of the sudden, 2 chickens literally crossed the road in front of us, right here in south Dallas. We didn't see why though (🥁). Wish I got a picture.

Oh yea! And our Italian mob-boss branch mission leader made us chicken parmesan, it was delicious.

Anyway, that's about it for this week, I'll try to let you m know about transfers when we hear!
Love yall,
Elder Hogg

Our family tree (Elder Pattee is brothers with the Elder he's standing next to [my uncle], who is training the Elder standing next to my son [my cousin]. The Elder above him, and next to me, is Elder Pattee's current trainee [my brother]).

Our district (with our new sister)

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