Monday, August 6, 2018

Rio Trinidad week 2

Subject: Rio Trinidad week 2
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 12:58:53 -0500
From: Brett Hogg 

Hola Fam!

This week met a cool family. We were biking by their home and he came out and was like "hey where're you going?!" So we stopped and talked to them, they said they talked to missionaries a while back, so we set up a time to go back again. Turns out, about 20 years ago, they had a young son get here from Guatemala (they came over first, then sent for the one kid later) and he (and his sister, but she never came over for some reason, the story is a little confusing) had been baptized! Shortly after missionaries knocked on their door and they invited them in, and they wound up getting really close to those specific missionaries for a while. They would play with their kids and eat with them all the time, even gave her a blessing while she was in the hospital with a pregnancy that wasn't going well. But, they were never baptized, so we have started teaching them now and they are super nice and have been reading a little bit from the Book of Mormon!

This one time we were stopping by to visit them, but they have like, four dogs inside a gate around their house. So we were standing outside this gate and called them, well he wasn't home, she was, but had fallen asleep. Their neighbors were outside however so we asked if we could teach them, a really nice hispanic baptist lady. Her name is Dora! Hopefully she'll progress toward baptism!

We also knocked into a family, we only talked to the girl, but apparently they have an aunt in town from Mexico and she's a Nun! She said she should be there when we come back, so hopefully I'll have a story about a lesson we had with a Mexican nun for you guys next week.

Everyone here is so open and usually willing to listen to a message about Jesucristo, finding people that are willing to take baptism seriously however is another story. But I love it here, an awesome place to end a mission for sure.

Love y'all!
Elder Hogg

Contacting every creature....Also we stopped by a Christian books and gift store here, and they had Christian board games, one of which featured apostasy right on the cover!

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