Monday, August 13, 2018

Sweet family with a raccoon, Bullets, Rain!

Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 15:06:47 -0500
From: Brett Hogg 

Hola familia!

The awesome Guatemalan family I told you about last week, came to church! It was awesome! The husband hasn't been to any church in years, because he thinks they're all corrupt basically. And the wife just threw her back out the week before, but they came! And I think they liked it! They didn't sing the hymns (I think because they can't read particularly well), until the last one, and the husband sorted thumbing through the hymnal and was trying follow along and sing a little bit, it was awesome! They're an awesome couple. And when we stopped by on Saturday they showed us their pet Racoon! I didn't get a picture, but next time I'll get one. He was just holding it and everything! They let it walk around the house and they say it uses a litterbox like a cat haha.

Saturday we helped at a funeral, were I translated (spanish to english) with the the little headphone things, but only one person was actually using it lol (it was a pretty small funeral). I did alright. The biggest problem was the scriptures. They would read them off so fast that I couldn't look them up to read in english, and scripture spanish is a little harder to translate live. Sometimes they would just say "and the scriptures say..." and not even give a reference! Lol, So I have some work to do to get good at translating. And make sure that if you're ever going to give a talk, tell the translated what scriptures you're going to use before hand! 

Also after the funeral we biked really far, all the way to the part of our area that butts up against downtown. It had been raining all day, but once we got over there it started coming down harder, and the sun went down. So we had a looooong and scary bike ride back to the Apartment in the dark while it was raining on major streets. We couldn't really see what was in front of us partially because our glasses were super wet and our lights didn't do much. The puddles were scary because you couldn't tell how deep they were or if there were pot holes or rocks at the bottom. I did fall once because of this huge crack in the road I didn't see, but I was alright. Then I almost got hit by a car pulling out of a parking lot. It sure was an adventure! We got home and we were completely wet, from head to toe. A bunch of stuff in my backpack was ruined even. haha. 

Anyway, not much else this week. And unfortunately we never met the Mexican nun :/

Love y'all!

Also! Our bishop got shot here in this area a couple years back! It happened just down the street from where our Guatemalan family lives, and we bike there quite often! It was actually on TV, if you YouTube Police Women of Dallas, it's an episode with a black lady cop, it's at a tire shop, with a guy that was shot five times, idk what the video is called exactly. But you can see his son putting his hands on his head to give him a blessing in the video. (See video link below! NOTE FROM MOM: Where is my son living?? Scary!)

Saturday about 5:00pm vs Saturday about 9:00pm:

Here is the clip from that episode Brett mentions.. Apparently that man that was shot is Brett's current Bishop in Mesquite.

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